Human Interfaces

For scanning the body for seats, beds or sleeping systems and other man-machine interfaces

Each body has different anthropometrics, volumes and biomechanical requirements. With a process based on Body Scanning CRM, the adaptation of human machine interfaces becomes child’s play. The application of such processes is described e.g. when buying a car from the interested buyer as well as from the car dealer perceived as very pleasant.

How can we optimize your adaptation process to the human body?


Body Scanning // Sports

WaaLea sleep systems

The aspiration of a human interface analysis system and the resulting matching statement is a finely tuned positioning of the most diverse body profiles while taking into account the body size and weight distribution, different sleeping positions and many soft facts. Body Scanning and partners have collected 12 years of intensive work with various sleep systems as well as attentive observations and analyses as a basis. This is used in the WaaLea system.

Sleep is as individual as any human personality itself. During sleep, body and mind recover from the stresses of everyday life to regain new strength. Many people complain of neck and shoulder pain – when they wake up in the morning, they feel limp and impotent. WaaLea’s Active Sleeping Systems can help with this, because they always ensure individual sleeping comfort in every position.

The prerequisites for a healthy and restful sleep:

  • Optimal recumbent ergonomics
  • Breathable bed climate
  • Natural materials
  • Metal-free construction